Congratulations on upgrading to the premier real estate team CRM, btPRO!
We're excited to deliver additional products and services to elevate your business.
Implementation Timeline Overview
Let's quickly review the implementation timeline for your btPRO Team account
Implementation Specialist Introduction

Shortly after signing your contract, expect an email from your Implementation Specialist to cover next steps.  The Implementation Specialist will work with you to add and configure the upgraded products to your existing account.You will need to confirm your MLSs with us as part of the post-contract follow-up. From there, we will initiate the IDX process.

New btPRO Functionality

You’ll now see “NEW btPRO Products” and “btPRO At Your Service” tiles on your Dashboard as well as having access to the CORE Home App. The CORE Home App is the consumer facing mobile app for search, market reports, and home valuations that will delight your prospects and customers alike. Your platform remains live while the btPRO tools are added so you can continue using your platform during the upgrade. Here’s how your upgraded Dashboard will look.

IDX Agreements

As part of your upgrade, you will be able to select your own website domain. Our IDX Team will coordinate IDX access approval from your MLS for the new domain.  Our IDX team will send you an email to get the paperwork started.

Individual Smart Numbers

Your Implementation Specialist will be adding a Smart Number for each agent on your account.

IDX Approved

Once we receive IDX approval(s) from your MLS(s), your Implementation Specialist will email you a link to schedule your Configuration and Launch call.

Configuration and Launch Call

On this call your Implementation Specialist will:

Review Smart Numbers

Walk through your website and make final edits

Connect any additional third party lead sources

Schedule a lead import consultation call, as applicable

Configure Team settings:

Set up Team Lead Routing Rules

Review Team Accountability settings

IMPORTANT: We will be updating domain name servers on the call so that your new domain will replace your subdomain. You’ll need to login to your domain registrar (GoDaddy for example) which will require the person who has access to any two factor authentication to attend this call as well (if not you).
Launch Day

All Systems Go! Your btPRO account is now live!

btPRO Team Admin Quick Start Self-Paced eLearning Course
For Teams that are upgrading to btPro, we recommend completing the btPRO Team Admin Quick Start Course prior to the Configuration and Launch Call. You can find this course from the training link within your MAX/TECH platform.
CORE Home Self-Paced
eLearning Course
Get ready for a jump start on incorporating your CORE Home platform for nurturing and converting leads; and go from being their one-time agent to their agent for life! You can access this course from the Learning Portal under “Support and Training” on your dashboard.
PRO Desk
Our PRO Desk consists of a team of strategy experts ready to discuss best practices, provide coaching and one-on-one guidance that is curated to your unique goals with btPRO.  We will get you connected to them after you launch!
© 2024  Inside Real Estate